
Associate Degree Program

特拉华理工大学的工商管理转学(BAT)课程为成功转学到由美国高等商学院协会(AACSB)认可的全国排名的四年制商学院(如特拉华大学勒纳商学院)提供了必要的基础课程. BAT项目为这些大学的高级课程提供了高水平的通识教育准备,以及商业教育和转入以下五个项目之一的必要基础:会计, Management, Operations Management, Sports Management or Marketing. 查看下面的相关学位课程部分,了解更多十大正规赌博平台大全转学的选择.


What You Can Do


  • General and Operations Managers
  • First-line Supervisors
  • Retail Managers
  • Hospitality Managers
  • Human Resources Specialists

Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree, depending on your chosen major, 你可能适合的职位有:

  • Accounting: internal auditor, credit specialist, 注册会计师(在完成150学分的课程和执照后)
  • Management, 体育管理或运营管理:运营研究分析师, quality analyst, event planner, athletic director, 大联盟或小联盟体育管理职位
  • Marketing: advertising analyst, brand/product specialist, marketing research analyst, public relations specialist, sales professional

What You Will Learn

Program Graduate Competencies


  1. 将专业、道德和法律标准融入商业实践.
  2. 在企业中运用各种管理和营销理论.
  3. 在产品和工作成本系统下,分析数据以处理决策信息.
  4. 评估为获得和保留客户所采取的行动.
  5. 衡量和跟踪组织的财务绩效.
  6. 分析和应用战略管理过程的组织.

Core Curriculum Competencies

下面列出的核心课程能力确定了你作为一名毕业生将能够做什么, regardless of your program of study. 您将通过通识教育课程和特定课程获得这些核心能力. 你将被期望使用相关技术来实现这些结果:

  1. 运用清晰有效的沟通技巧.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. 表现出专业和道德的行为.
  5. 运用信息素养进行有效的职业和/或学术研究.
  6. 运用定量推理和/或科学探究来解决实际问题.

Suggested Pathway to Graduation

Semester 1

Number Course Title Credits
SSC 100First Year Seminar1
ACC 101Accounting I3
CIS 107Introduction to Computers/Application3
OAT 152Excel3
DAT 101数据分析和可视化导论3
ECO 111Macroeconomics3
ENG 101Composition I3
MAT 162Statistical Reasoning4

Semester 2

Number Course Title Credits
ACC 112Accounting II3
BUS 101Introduction to Business3
ECO 122Microeconomics3
ENG 102Composition II3
PSY 121General Psychology3
MAT 256Statistics II3
SOC 111Sociology3

Semester 3

Number Course Title Credits
ACC 221Cost Accounting3
FIN 221Money and Banking3
ElectiveHistory/Cultural Support Elective4/3
MAT 183Reasoning with Functions I5
MGT 212Principles of Management3

Semester 4

Number Course Title Credits
ENG 124Oral Communications3
MAT 261Business Calculus I4
MKT 212Principles of Marketing3
ElectiveHistory/Cultural Support Elective4/3
ElectiveScience Support Elective4/3

Approved Electives


Number Course Title Credits
ENG 128African-American Literature3
HIS 111U. S. History: Pre-Civil War3
HIS 112United States History Post-Civil War3
HIS 131Art History I3
HIS 132Art History II3


Number Course Title Credits
BIO 100Medical Terminology3
BIO 110Essentls-Anatomy & Physiology4
BIO 140General Biology4
CHM 110General Chemistry4
ENV 190环境科学与技术导论3
PHY 111Conceptual Physics4

工商管理转学学位的要求因高级院校而异. 在注册之前联系顾问,以确保您在从特拉华理工大学毕业后完成您希望参加的机构所要求的课程.


要完成课程要求,你必须通过上述课程,并至少获得 68 credits. 毕业所需的课程数量和学分可能更多地取决于你的大学准备和你的专业所提供的选修课程(如果选修课程是课程的一部分)。.


Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree?

This is a Connected Degree 这个课程可以让你完成副学士学位,然后作为大三学生转到四年制学位课程. See a program advisor for details!

Campus-Specific Program Information
Contact Dover:

Delora McQueen
Business Department Chair
(302) 857-1775

Contact Georgetown:

Gregory West
(302) 259-6665


Contact Wilmington:

David Hall
Department Chair
(302) 657-5188